Saturday, August 13, 2016

Will Measure 97, the Corporate Business Tax Increase, be good or bad for Oregon?

Radio Spot #4
TRANSCRIPT: The Portland Tribune says it would be the equivalent of an average six hundred dollar tax increase on EVERY Oregonian. State economists say that there will be a loss of 38,000 private-sector jobs while adding 18,000 public sector jobs, just more jobs for taxpaying Oregonians to pay for- and more unemployment! It sure doesn’t sound good! See for additional information.

Note: Measure 97 was IP 28 before it became a ballot measure.

Statesman Journal “Any revenue generated by IP-28 would go into the state general fund.”
Portland Tribune- "In total, it would be the equivalent of an average $600 annual increase in taxes on every person in Oregon."
Read the Oregon State Legislature’s OWN wording on the loss of 38,000 public sector jobs while gaining 18,000 public employee jobs. Read More......